Civics EOC Practice

Civics EOC Review Videos by Topic and Benchmark

1.1 - Influences of Ancient Greece and Rome on American Government -

1.1 & 1.2 - Influences - Topics 1.1 & 1.2 on America's Constitutional Republic -

1.3 Foundations of Democracy: the Magna Carta, Mayflower, Paine's Common Sense -

1.4 - Enlightenment Ideas -

1.5 - British Policies -

1.6 - Declaration of Independence -

1.7 - Articles of Confederation -

1.8 Preamble - and

1.9 - Constitutional Limits of Government Power -  and

1.10 - Federalists and Anti-Federalists -

1.1 1 - Rule of Law -

2.1 Citizens and U.S. Citizenship -

2.2 - Obligations and Responsibilities -

2.3 Bill of Rights - and

2.5 - Trial Process/Role of Juries -

2.7 Qualifications for Office -

2.8 - Media in Politics -

2.10 - Influencing & Monitoring the Government -

3.1 - Forms of Government -

3.2 - Systems of Government -

3.3, & 3.7 - Legislative Branch -

3.3, & 3.8 - Executive Branch -

3.3, & 3.9 - Judicial Branch -

3.4 Federalism (state and national governments) -

3.5 Amendment Process - 

3.6 Rights Expanded -

3.10 Sources and types of laws -

3.11 Landmark Supreme Court Cases

3.12 - U.S. and Florida constitutions  -

3.13 Services at the different levels of government -

3.14 - Electoral College -

4.1 - Foreign and Domestic Policy -

4.2 - International Organizations -

4.3 - International Conflicts -