Shenandoah Middle School Museums Magnet has been featured in a variety of media outlets. Click below and check out all the great things our school has been a part of at school and throughout the community.
- Cooper Hewitt Design Article – SMS.pdf
- Coral Gables Book Signing.pdf
- EFL Program.pdf
- Escuelas Magneto – Herald.pdf
- Exhibit Night 2011.pdf
- exhibit night.pdf
- Fairchild Win.pdf
- Herald Article.pdf
- HP digital.pdf
- Plant from the Past – Herald.pdf
- Preserve America Summit.pdf
- Shenandoah library celebrates reopening – 02_28_2011 _ MiamiHerald com.pdf
- Studying Art – Lowe.pdf
- VTS UM Mag.pdf
- Walk Fit 5-23-10.pdf